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  • FLUTe - Ancillary Equiment

    Ancillary Equipment The Green Machine The green machine is a name given to a system for removal of liners of several kinds using a wellhead roller and manual winch system. The green machine shown is positioned over the wellhead with the tether routed over the large roller, under a guide roller, to a manual winch capstan. The liner is inverted from the borehole until the tether attachment to the liner is reached. At that point, a kellum grip is attached to the liner and the removal is continued by routing the tether to a distant, well anchored snatch block and back to the winch on the green machine. This procedure is described in detail in a video teaching the installation and removal of blank liners. Contact FLUTe for access to the video. The green machine is frequently equipped with a load cell to monitor the tension being applied to the liner. However, if the force on the winch handle is not excessive, the tension on the liner system will not be excessive. The Linear Capstan The linear capstan is the FLUTe name for a motorized version of green machine. The machine shown in the photo is driven by a variable speed motor. The tether or liner is routed over the first two rollers, and then alternates under and over through the series of rollers. The friction on the several roller allows the motor to invert the liner from the borehole. The rollers are driven by a suitably routed chain such that the rollers all turn in the correct direction. This unique FLUTe machine can remove a liner with much less effort than the green machine with a modest tension on the liner beyond the machine. The tension is monitored with a pair of load cells. The motor speed, and therefore the tension on the liner, are adjusted and monitored with a separate controller. This machine is usually used by FLUTe personnel, but some units have been sold to customers with training in the use and maintenance. Bubbler Monitor The water level in the liner during installation should be monitored with a water level measurement for deep water tables. For shallow water tables, the water level can often be maintained at the top of the casing. But for deep water tables, the water level should not be above ~20 ft higher than the water table in the formation. Monitoring the water level with the standard electric water level meter is frustrating due to the water being added to the liner as it descends. Therefore, an open tube, called a bubbler tube, is included in a sleeve of the standard liner to the water table. Connecting a controlled constant air flow source to the tube and monitoring the pressure variations as the water level rises in the liner allows easy control of a safe water level in the liner. That bubbler monitoring system can be purchased from FLUTe. The monitor must be connected to a gas bottle or compressor. The controller contains a flow meter and pressure gauge with a connection to the automatic data collection system if used with the profiling machine. The controller is usually used by FLUTe, but can be purchased. The Profiling Machine The transmissivity profile is performed with a unique FLUTe device called a profiling machine or Profiler. The Profiler controls the tension on the liner to be essentially constant and measures the depth and velocity of the liner propagation. The Profiler also measures the tension on the liner. This device, to date, has always been used only by trained FLUTe personnel. However, an “export model” has been designed and is being built for those distant locations where shipping and tariffs are prohibitively expensive and travel of FLUTe personnel to the site is also costly. This machine will be available to foreign users with the training for operation by FLUTe personnel. Since that training is extensive, the expense of a profiling machine is not practical for sites more proximate to FLUTe offices. FLUTe has many US and foreign patents on this method. The Pressure Canisters The pressure canister is use to evert liners into boreholes or tortuous passages with air as the driving fluid. This is most commonly the case for vadose systems or propagation of liners upward into drill holes from tunnels or into piping in buildings or landfills. The liner is loaded onto on interior reel and everted by air pressure supplied to the canister and thence into the liner. The canister size needed depends upon the size of the liner. These canisters are manufactured in various diameters of 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 ft. While not often sold, some sizes are available for purchase. The canister is especially useful for inverting a liner from inside-out to right-side-out. These canisters are used extensively in the fabrication of liners. Shipping Reel Braking System For very deep water tables and for large tubing bundles associated with many ports on a Water FLUTe system, the hanging load of the liner being installed into the borehole can exceed several hundred pounds. In order to control the descent of the liner and to support the large hanging load, a braking system has been designed, and used, which attaches to the shipping real on the reel stand. The braking system allows an easy and safe control of the liner descent with a disk brake and also monitors the tension on the liner by measurement of the torque on the reel. This device is not sold, but it is often rented for the installation of large liner systems where the control of the brake is required. This device is also necessary if there is a large downward gradient in the formation which is pulling the liner into the borehole with high tension. The ACT (Air Coupled Transducer) System Whereas the ACT system is usually sold as part of a Water FLUTe system, the ability to measure the fluid level continuously through a slender tube (e.g., 1/8” OD) has uses in other situations. The ACT system consists of a simple tube lowered below the water table, or other fluid level, with a sensitive transducer connected to the top of the tube. As the water level changes in the tube, the pressure measured in the tube also changes. From that pressure data and the temperature measured in the transducer, the history of the fluid level can be deduced with surprising accuracy. The test in a pumped domestic well with abrupt drops and recoveries of the fluid level showed the monitoring of a water table at a depth of 48 ft to be accurate within ¼” on the 1 second time scale. With different tubing geometries, the resolution will be different. The advantage of the ACT system employed in the Water FLUTe system is that the transducers are easily accessible at the surface for repair, replacement or reuse. This system can also be used where other deep installations of transducers are usually needed in confined circumstances. It also allows level measurements in tubing that is already in place for other purposes. FLUTe provides the software for converting the pressure and temperature measured to level changes. This method is not to be confused with the common bubbler system described above. ThIs system is available for the list price of the recording transducer and tubing. FLUTe has US and foreign patents on this method.

  • FLUTe - Transmissivity Profiling

    Transmissivity Profiling FLUTe Transmissivity profiles quickly measure all significant flow paths in a borehole with 6 to 12" resolution in as little as a few hours How Does it Work? As a blank liner is installed and everts down the borehole, the water in the borehole is forced into the formation by whatever flow paths are available (e.g. fractures, permeable beds, solution channels, etc.). Figure 1 is a drawing of a simple everting liner with three additional features, (1) The FLUTe Profilier at the wellhead which measures the liner velocity and additional parameters which can influence the velocity of the liner descent, (2) the pressure transducer measures the excess head in the liner which is driving the liner down the hole, and (3) a pressure transducer measuring the head beneath the liner. From these features, all factors controlling the eversion rate of the liner are monitored. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ The liner descent rate (measured by the FLUTe Profiler) is therefore controlled by the rate at which water can flow from the hole via those flow paths. ​ The everting liner is somewhat like a perfectly fitting piston sliding down the hole, except the liner doesn't slide in the hole, it grows in length at the bottom end of the dilated liner at the "eversion point" as we call it. As the liner everts, it covers the flow paths sequentially. ​ When the liner begins its descent in the hole, all of the flow paths are open and the descent rate is at its highest. As the liner seals off flow paths, the rate that the borehole water can be displaced out of the borehole decreases and therefore, the liner descent rate decreases as well. ​ A monotonically fit velocity profile is produced that measures changes in liner descent velocity with depth (Figure 2). The velocity multiplied by the borehole cross sectional area (refined by a caliper log) is the flowrate of the borehole at each interval (Figure 3). ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ At the start of the profile, the flowrate calculated is of the entire borehole. As the liner seals off flow paths, the borehole flowrate is reduced. The depths in the borehole, which exhibit a decrease in flowrate, identify the location of flow paths and the magnitude of the change is the measure of the flow rate. From the flow rate profile, one can calculate a transmissivity profile for the borehole using the Thiem equation (Figure 4). ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ FLUTe has performed hundreds of these profiles in boreholes to depths of 1000 feet. These boreholes were 3" to 12" in diameter. Publications and professional papers comparing the results to straddle packers can be downloaded on our publications page. ​ In most cases, the FLUTe Transmissivity Profiler™ can map all of the significant flow paths in the hole in a few hours (10 percent of the time required to do the same mapping with a straddle packer). Furthermore, the detail (6" to 12" resolution) in the FLUTe Profiler measurement is not even possible with straddle packers. The direct measurement of the flow paths with the Profiler may also reduce the need for those geophysical measurements which are used to deduce possible flow path locations in a borehole. Another advantage is that the blank liner is often installed to seal the hole against vertical contaminant migration. ​ When used in conjuncture with the FLUTe FACT method, the contaminant distribution can also be mapped using the same blank liner (Figure 5). This data can be used with the Transmissivity profile to develop a fate/transport CSM as well as design a multi-level sampling system (See Water FLUTe ). ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Given the continuous transmissivity profile, the head profile can be determined by removing the liner in a stepwise fashion using a technique described at head profile. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Figure 1. Transmissivity Profiling Setup Figure 2. Velocity Profile Figure 3. Calculation of the flowrate Q from the velocity change of the liner Figure 4. Flow Rate Profile and Transmissivity Profiles. Figure 5. Transmissivity Profile and FACT data. Note the high TCE concentrations at 112' and 140' BGS in very low transmissive fractures compared to low TCE concentrations in high flowing fractures at 90' and 130'. The TCE concentrations at 140' and 112' are the same or twice as high, respectively, as the highest flowing fracture in the borehole at 130' despite the fact that they are two of the lowest flowing fractures in the borehole. This data emphasizes the need for high resolution methods rather than coarse measurements, to assure that all significant contaminant source zones are properly identified during characterization. Water Samples (green diamonds), validate the FACT concentrations.

  • FLUTe - About

    About Our Company FLUTe was founded in 1996 by Carl Keller - Principal Scientist , to apply the unique attributes of inverting/everting flexible liners to underground measurements and other uses. The quality of construction, performance and cost effectiveness of our flexible liner systems are why our clients are highly satisfied with our work. ​ Carl Keller is the recipient of the 1994 R&D 100 Award for his flexible liner patent. The FLUTe designs have gained recognition with the National Ground Water Association Technology Award in 2008 . FLUTe systems have continually evolved and are now used in 12 countries by large corporations, regulatory agencies, and research institutions. FLUTe's unique methods are covered by 30 domestic patents, 13 foreign patents with others pending . ​ FLUTe's main plant and offices are in Velarde, NM with other facilities in Albuquerque, NM and Warminster, PA. FLUTe methods for high resolution underground measurements of many kinds have gained acceptance as superior, or complementary, to traditional methods. A company is only as good as it's staff and we have the best! ​ Our senior staff average over 15 years in the flexible liner business: ​ Lisa Keller Vice President Responsible for the Implementation of the original vision and goals of the company. Oversees the company operations in support of Fabrication Fielding and Office. ​ Mark Sanchez Chief Of Operations/Fabrication Oversight of administrative staff and production staff and coordination of customer orders with production staff, plus maintenance of inventory, and oversight of the Velarde fabrication and test facility. Ian Sharp Chief of Technology/Fielding Responsible for communicating on all phases of FLUTe technology, methods and best use. Interfaces with customers, regulators, fielding crews, and production staff. Defines schedules of FLUTe's excellent field crews, oversees fielding installations and construction of FLUTe's unique machines. ​ Daniel Schramm East Coast Field Manager Field Trainer; East Coast Point of Contact; Schedules and organizes field mobilizations for the Warminster, PA location. Steve Martinez Production Manager Oversees all liner fabrication, and setting the fabrication schedule. Assures fabrication staff have design specifications and the proper training, maintains quality assurance procedures and records. Lydia Martinez Administrator/Account Manager Administers contracting, accounting services, and human resources. FLUTe International distributers: BRAZIL - Paulo Negrão , Clean Environment Brasil AUSTRALIA - Mike Mercuri , Matrix Drilling PTY LTD SWEDEN- Patrik Nilsson, PhD DIC EurGeol, Rosmarus Enviro "Contact Us" or Call our office at 1-505-852-0128 for more information ​

  • Blank Liner Procedures | FLUTe

    Blank Liner Procedures ​ Blank liner installation procedures Whereas FLUTe personnel are most experienced in the installation of blank liners, it has become more common for our customers to install their own blank liners. This is especially convenient for installing sealing liners immediately after a borehole is completed and preferably after the borehole has been well developed, if the natural flow paths in the formation are important to the use of the borehole. Many drilling companies have now gained experience with FLUTe blank liner installations and removals. However, not everyone in each drilling company has the same amount of training and experience. It is important to assure that an experienced individual will be doing the installation or removal. Blank Liner Installation Information: Blank Liner Installation Procedure How Deeply Must a liner be Installed in a Borehole? Maximum Liner Tension and Pressure Limits FLUTe has developed a 55 minute video teaching the proper blank liner installation and removal procedures using FLUTe’s ancillary equipment. A blank liner can be installed directly from the shipping reel, but it requires special care and equipment to remove a blank liner. For a copy of the video, please contact us. If preferred, FLUTe can provide assistance with the installation and removal of blank liners. If there are any uncertainties about an installation or removal, FLUTe should be contacted for guidance. Blank liner use with other borehole measurements It is often convenient for all the boreholes to be completed and sealed with a liner before the geophysical, or other, measurements are performed. A common practice is to complete the drilling and sealing of all the boreholes and to then invite FLUTe to remove a liner for the geophysical measurements while FLUTe then removes a second liner. Then the geophysics crew moves to the second hole while FLUTe preforms the reinstallation of the first liner with a transmissivity profile measurement. FLUTe then removes the third liner, and then reinstalls the second liner, etc... In this manner, both the FLUTe transmissivity profiles and geophysical measurements are done in one mobilization with substantial cost savings. It has been found that the blank liner removal can be helpful to the better development of the borehole. Click here for a number of solutions to risky open borehole development. Another alternative is for the geophysics, and perhaps packer testing, to be done before the borehole is sealed with a liner, but in that case, the boreholes are open longer for cross connecting flow. The above procedures do not conveniently allow for packer testing. If a multi-level system is to be installed, packer testing for contaminant assessment may not be necessary and the time the borehole is open is minimized. ​ ​


    NAPL FLUTe The NAPL FLUTe system is a reactive cover for the blank FLUTe liner which addresses the problem of locating NAPL free product in the formation. NAPL FLUTes Can Be Installed in the Overburden and Bedrock Via the Following Methods ​ Eversion in Bedrock Wells: The NAPL FLUTe is everted into the borehole on the outside of a blank FLUTe liner. For a detailed PDF on the NAPL FLUTe installation description, click here . ​ Direct Push Installation (As seen in video above): The NAPL FLUTe is compression-wrapped and installed within Geoprobe rods once the terminal depth is reached. The NAPL FLUTe has a tube for water addition, and as water is added to the interior of the liner, the rods are removed in a stepwise fashion. A tether at the surface allows you to pull the liner out of the hole once the reaction time has finished. For a detailed PDF on the installation sequence, click here . ​ How Does the NAPL FLUTe Work? ​ As the liner everts down the borehole, the NAPL FLUTe is hydrophobic. It quickly wicks any NAPL contacted in the fractures or pore space into the cover. When the free product contacts the interior of the NAPL FLUTe, it quickly creates a stain on the cover and dissolved the multi-colored dye stripes. After a short period of time, the NAPL FLUTe and blank liner are removed from the well and the depth of the free product is located by measuring the stain depth with a tape measure. ​ The inverted cover can be placed next to a tape measure to allow the stains to be photographed with the indicated depth in the borehole. The cover can be rolled for storage, but the stains may fade with long exposure. The dye stains are more durable. The oil-on-paper-like stains will disappear. Some of the common stains are shown in the photos on this page. ​ NAPL FLUTe Reactions with Different Contaminants: Different contaminants react differently with the dye stripes located on the outside of the NAPL FLUTe. For a list of tested compounds, click here . Contact with NAPLs such as TCE and PCE dissolves the dye stripes and carries the dye to the interior surface of the cover. The cover material is white and the displacement of the dye to the interior surface. That stain is the indication that the cover has come in contact with a NAPL. The size and location of the stain are indicative of the amount of NAPL present and the nature of the source. ​ Some NAPL materials such as coal tar and creosote are naturally dark colored. When those materials are wicked into the covering, the dark stain appears on both the inside and outside surface of the cover. Other NAPLs such as gasoline and similarly less aggressive solvents will also displace the dye stripes to the inside of the thin cover. Other NAPLs such as coal oil do not displace the dye stripes. However, when absorbed by the cover material, those NAPLs produce a translucent appearance of the cover much like an oil stain on paper. The cover does not absorb water. ​ The cover only reacts to the pure product of the NAPL and does not provide a significant stain if exposed to the dissolved phase. However, the dissolved phase of chlorinated solvents, for long periods, will cause the dye stripes to bleed or produce a light pink cast due to the red stripes. Those stains are not as obvious as the contact with the NAPL. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Mapping the Dissolved Phase : FLUTe has a technique called FACT (FLUTe Activated Carbon Technique) which does respond to the dissolved phase of many contaminants. A common practice is to combine the FACT with the NAPL FLUTe cover to map both the NAPL and the distribution of the dissolved phase. ​ ​

  • FLUTe - Why Seal a Borehole?

    Why Seal a Borehole? Sealing a borehole with FLUTe liners after drilling prevents cross contamination . With traditional practice, the borehole is left open for extended periods of time between the time the borehole was drilled and downhole characterization. Additionally, if straddle packer systems are used for characterization, large portions of the borehole remain unsealed during all portions of the investigation. ​ The problems that can occur when boreholes remain open include mobilization of contaminants into the open borehole, contaminant adhesion to the borehole wall, and contaminated migration from the open borehole into previously uncontaminated fractures (See "Figure 1" and "Figure 2"). Additionally, when making measurements with straddle packers, which by default leave portions of the borehole open, leakage past the packer can result in exaggerated flow rates and contaminant distributions that are erred from cross contamination with mixed borehole water. ​ By using FLUTe liners, the borehole is either sealed while all downhole measurements are collected or as the liner sequentially seals off flow paths. In the way, the data integrity is very high as cross contamination and cross flow measurements cannot occur. Figure 1. DNAPL confined to an isolated fracture Figure 2. DNAPL spread to other fractures as a result of the newly drilled borehole acting as a flow path between otherwise unconnected fractures.

  • FLUTe - Publications

    Publications Get The Definitive FLUTe Manual At Amazon M o st Recent FLUTe prices after Sept 21 2023.xlsx ​ The applications of the Cased Hole Sa mpler and it vari ations 9- 3-18 The FLUTe Cased Hole Sampler 8-24-18 New FLUTe Discrete Extraction Injection Liner 6-28-18 Advantages of Simultaneous Purging and Sampling-May 2018 Assessment of Packer Utility at EPA Region 2 - December 2017 FACT Method for a Continuous Contaminant Profile Presentation - NGWA October 2017 Advances in High Resolution Hydrologic Measurements - AIPG September 2017 A New Rapid Method for Measuring the Vertical Head Profile-Groundwater Journal 2016 ​ General AIPG-IH paper on FLUTe methods FLUTe Quintet of GW methods FLUTe technology summary Open Hole Well Development Problems and Solutions Why are FLUTe liners useful for karst Preferred Boreholes for FLUTe Liners The Full Use of FLUTe Technology in Fractured rock Maximum Tension and Pressure Limits on Liners Blank Liners Sealing a Borehole with a Blank Liner How deeply must a FLUTe blank liner be installed The FLUTe Blank liner ​ FACT FACT Method for a Continuous Contaminant Profile Presentation - NGWA October 2017 The FLUTe FACT Technique - Monique Beyer FACT thesis DTU High Resolution Hydraulic Profiling and Groundwater Sampling The Analysis of the FACT ​ NAPL FLUTe NAPL FLUTe presentation NAPLs and DNAPLs that react with the NAPL FLUTe systems Sonic Core NAPL FLUTe Procedure ​ Transmissivity Profiles FLUTe profiling poster Battelle FLUTe profiling tech. NGWA-EPA Maine Conference GSA paper comparing FLUTe profiler to straddle packers Keller et al_2013_Ground Water Journal Liners and Packers Similarities and Differences NGWA Paper Liners and Packers similarities and differences Portland ME NGWA presentation on FLUTe Hydraulic Conductivity Profiler Practical Use of Flexible Liner Transmissivity Profiling Results Why and How FLUTe corrects the transient in Transmissivity profiles Head Profiles A New Rapid Method for Measuring the Vertical Head Profile-Groundwater Journal 2016 Head Profiles Using a Liner Advances in the Reverse Head Profiling Technique Reverse Head Profiling Method Water FLUTe and Shallow Water FLUTe The Water FLUTe System Cherry Parker Keller Water FLUTe NGWA GWMR Journal Evolution of FLUTe Multi-level System FLUTe air coupled transducer method Unique Water FLUTe characteristics Use of Pressure Transducers with Water FLUTe system Water FLUTe sampling procedure. after May 2009 Water FLUTe sampling procedure. before May 2009 Shallow Water FLUTe Systems Subsurface vault dimensions for Water FLUTe Vadose FLUTe Keller and Travis paper on absorber utility Vadose FLUTe description ​ Karst Applications Karst Problems and Flexible Liner Experience Why are liners useful for karst Grouting of casing in Karst with a borehole liner ​ Landfill Monitoring 1996 GSA Austin Invited paper on Landfill design FLUTe Wells Under Landfills and Buildings How well can landfills be monitored ​ Geophysical Applications Flexible Liner Applications to Geophysical Measurements ​ Liner Augmentation of Horizontal Drilling LAHD presentation ​ ​ ​ ​

  • FLUTe - Blank Liner

    Sealing a Borehole with Blank Liners How FLUTe Liners Seal a Borehole ​ During the installation process (a process known as eversion), a small everted segment of the liner is placed within the well casing. Water is then added to the interior of the liner to create an annular pocket. The addition of water in the liner to a level above the head of the water in the formation created a driving pressure between the liner's internal pressure and the pressure beneath the liner. The pressure differential is maintained by the addition of water in the liner and thus, the liner continues to propagate down the borehole (Figure 1). ​ The driving pressure needed to evert the liner down the borehole mainly depends on the head of the formation. For high head or artesian conditions, differential pressure can be achieved by the addition of higher density muds to the interior of the liner. ​ As the liner everts, the liner displaces the borehole water into the formation and seals off fractures (Animation). ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Figure 1. Blank Liner Installation Animation 1. Blank liner eversion, displacing borehole water into the formation Figure 2. DNAPL Confined to an Isolated Fracture Figure 3. DNAPL spread to other fractures as a result of the newly drilled borehole acting as a flow path between otherwise unconnected fractures. Why seal a borehole with a FLUTe Liner? ​ Sealing a borehole after drilling prevents cross contamination. With traditional practice, the borehole is either left open for extended periods of time or as with packer testing, large portions of the borehole are left unsealed. During this time, contamination from one fracture can mobilize vertically within the borehole, adhere to the borehole pore space and flow into other fractures. The following diagrams show how cross connection occurs: Additional Reasons to Install Blank Liners: ​ 1. The liner seals the entire hole where it can be sealed as compared to multiple packers in boreholes. This is especially useful in karst formations. A packer must be placed in an aquitard to be fully effective. ​ 2. The flow in the formation is not perturbed by flow in the open hole. Therefore, measurements of various kinds, such as temperature distribution due to flow in the formation, are more realistic of the natural hydrologic state. ​ 3. Removal of the blank liner can enhance the borehole development as described in the paper Open Hole Well Development Problems . ​ 4. Stabilizing boreholes. The borehole is not likely to collapse on geophysical sondes which can "see" through the thin liner such as sonic tele-viewer, radiation logs, induction coupled electric logs, radar, etc. can traverse the borehole without concern about collapse of the borehole on the instrument. ​ 5. Liners are shipped on a small reel with no need of heavy equipment for the liner installation such as a drill rig or crane truck. The blank liner is easily installed by simply adding water to the interior of the liner. ​ 6. Liners are now used to tow instruments through the protected interior of the liner as the liner is being emplaced. ​ 7. Blank liners can be equipped with many special features for custom applications such as cure-in place liners, transparent liners, heaters on the tether, fiber optic sensors, insulation of various kinds as well as special fill materials like weighted mud, deionized water, sand, freezing fluids to stabilize the hole, etc. ​ 8. Liners can prevent the loss of annular sealing grouts outside a casing emplaced in karst formations. - a common problem with oil and gas casings. ​ 9. Liners can seal shallow portions of municipal wells preventing contaminants entering the well. An interior casing in place of the tether allows the pump emplacement to greater depths. A grout fill of the liner makes it a permanent seal. ​ 10. Salt water intrusion in the formation can be sensed with a deionized water fill of the liner and can be done without the hole perturbing the salt water front.

  • FLUTe - About

    About Our Company FLUTe was founded in 1996 by Carl Keller - Principal Scientist , to apply the unique attributes of inverting/everting flexible liners to underground measurements and other uses. The quality of construction, performance and cost effectiveness of our flexible liner systems are why our clients are highly satisfied with our work. ​ Carl Keller is the recipient of the 1994 R&D 100 Award for his flexible liner patent. The FLUTe designs have gained recognition with the National Ground Water Association Technology Award in 2008 . FLUTe systems have continually evolved and are now used in 12 countries by large corporations, regulatory agencies, and research institutions. FLUTe's unique methods are covered by 30 domestic patents, 13 foreign patents with others pending . ​ FLUTe's main plant and offices are in Velarde, NM with other facilities in Albuquerque, NM and Warminster, PA. FLUTe methods for high resolution underground measurements of many kinds have gained acceptance as superior, or complementary, to traditional methods. A company is only as good as it's staff and we have the best! ​ Our senior staff average over 15 years in the flexible liner business: ​ Lisa Keller Vice President Responsible for the Implementation of the original vision and goals of the company. Oversees the company operations in support of Fabrication Fielding and Office. ​ Mark Sanchez Chief Of Operations/Fabrication Oversight of administrative staff and production staff and coordination of customer orders with production staff, plus maintenance of inventory, and oversight of the Velarde fabrication and test facility. Ian Sharp Chief Of Technology/Fielding Responsible for communicating on all phases of FLUTe technology, methods and best use. Interfaces with customers, regulators, fielding crews, and production staff. Defines schedules of FLUTe's excellent field crews, oversees fielding installations and construction of FLUTe's unique machines. ​ Daniel Schramm East Coast Field Manager Field Trainer; East Coast Point of Contact; Schedules and organizes field mobilizations for the Warminster, PA location. Steve Martinez Production Manager Oversees all liner fabrication, and setting the fabrication schedule. Assures fabrication staff have design specifications and the proper training, maintains quality assurance procedures and records. Lydia Martinez Administrator/Account Manager Administers contracting, accounting services, and human resources. FLUTe International distributers: BRAZIL - Paulo Negrão , Clean Environment Brasil AUSTRALIA - Mike Mercuri , Matrix Drilling PTY LTD SWEDEN- Patrik Nilsson, PhD DIC EurGeol, Rosmarus Enviro "Contact Us" or Call our office at 1-505-852-0128 for more information ​

  • FLUTe - Frequently Asked Questions

    FLUTe Frequently Asked Questions Blank Liner FACT NAPL FLUTe Transmissivity Profile Water FLUTe SPACER SPACER

  • FlUTe-Emplyment Opportunities

    Employment Opportunities FLUTe is always accepting applications for the following areas: ​ • Fabricators of FLUTe liners at our Velarde, NM plant, halfway between Taos and Santa Fe. • Installation personnel in our Albuquerque, NM office or our Warminster, PA office. • Scientists with background in mechanical engineering, geophysics, hydrology, or physics. • Marketing and IT professionals. ​ Benefits and Requirements: ​ •FLUTe offers substantial employee benefits of health insurance, vacation, and retirement funds. •FLUTe provides training in the unique functions of flexible liner technology. No experience is expected in this exceptional technology. Capability and interest in mechanical systems is desired. •Extensive travel is common to most positions. •Good health and physical strength are important to most positions. To apply for a position, please use the "Contact Us" button below to go the Contact Us form. Select "Employment Opportunities" from the drop down, and in the message field summarize the position you are interested in and your experience and we will get back you. ​

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